Afternoon tea as it should be at High Tea of Highgate

Afternoon tea with my friends has to be one of my most favourite ways to while away half a day come the weekend. And one of our top spots to congregate is the superb High Tea of Highgate. Serving up bespoke blends of tea and freshly baked cakes, High Tea does quintessential English nostalgia impeccably. Enter this enchanting place and you are transported to a magical world; bunting, fresh flowers and jelly mould lampshades adorn the room and the air is filled with the sound of Louis Armstrong and the smell of freshly baked scones.
This lovely place is the creation of Georgina Worthington, baker extraordinaire and vintage queen. A splendid showcase of her passion for buying British, each ingredient is carefully sourced for freshness (the secret lies in the quality of the Westcountry organic eggs and butter!) and the gift shop stocked with gorgeous creations by British designer makers. Pop in for a piece of Lavender cake and a cup of Earl Grey and you’re in for a perfect slice of British tea-time.